Lincoln Hills
Genealogy Club
We are glad you are here and want to know more about our genealogy club.
We are in the Sun City Lincoln Hills community in Lincoln, California.
The Lincoln Hills Genealogy Club was created in the year 2000 by members of our community to bring together people who wanted to seek out their ancestors and create a legacy for future generations.
Our goal is to create a friendly learning environment by having genealogy experts and mentors available to help with your research. We provide instructions how to use genealogy applications such as FamilySearch, MyHeritage, Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA, FindAGrave, BillionGraves, Newspapers, and others.
On the third Friday of each month, we have a General Meeting with speakers discussing many interesting topics in all areas of genealogy.
To join our club, you need to be a resident of the Lincoln Hills community.
Check out our entire website for more information.
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